Thursday, April 8, 2010

Books that kill.

To the side, just below some foul language, you will see some magic floating books. This is, of course, unless you live in a fucking cave and still dial a phone to connect to the internet. Please, for the children, upgrade yo' shit.

Anywho... The books are from a publishing company called Severed Press who, like a messiah, provides you with some awesome fiction by some awesome people. They make people die, and that makes me happy. Included amongst these books are various anthologies. Dead Bait was one I was lucky enough to get my hands on. It's got some great (and really fucking weird) stories in it, and it excited me to be part of this team. Soon Severed Press will publish Zombie Zoology, a collection of undead animal stories. Your very own me has a story in that book called "Gift Horse", and it will really piss you off.

Severed Press will also be publishing a book, "The Preposterous Baron Grill", for which I have spent countless nights slaving in the pits of Hell, researching. More on that later.

How did all this come to be? It's fucking fate, deal with it.

You can find out more about Severed Press here.

P.S. Special thanks to "Zombie Books" for linking me on facebook. I have longed for this day.